Email : wangjun1986@cczu.edu.cn or wangjunfluid@gmail.com
2008年-2010 年,中國石油大學(北京),碩士學位
2010年-2014 年,中國石油大學(北京),博士學位
2014年-至今, 常州大學
國家青年科學自然基金項目(21706017)2018-2021. 主持
(1) Wang Jun, Zhu Tianlong, Deng Ziwen, et al.. Isobaric vapour-liquid equilibrium for systems of methyl chloroacetate, methyl dichloroacetate and methyl 2-chloropropionate at 101.33 kPa. Journal of Molecular Liquids. 2022. 355: 118934.
(2) Wang Jun, Yao Xiying, Chen Tao, et al. Insights into the weep performance and modeling ofperforated plates.AIChE Journal. 2022;e17720.
(3)Wang Jun, Zhou Xin, Gao Ben, et al. Experimental study and modeling of weeping rate in rectangular large-scale valve trays. AIChE Journal, 2019, 65:e16722.
(4) Wang Jun, Leng Yixin, Shao Hui, et al. Prediction of gas–liquid interfacial area in valve trays. AIChE J, 2016, 62(3):905-915.
(5) Wang Jun, Leng Yixin, Shao Hui, et al. A fundamental model for valve tray vapor cross-flow channeling calculation. AIChE J, 2015, 61(3):1032-1042.
(6) Wang Jun, Tang Yixuan, Liu Yansheng, et al. A new dry tray pressure drop model of float valve trays. AIChE J, 2013, 59(7): 2694-2705.
(7) Wang Jun, Ou Jie, Sun Xueni, et al. Measurement and correlation of isobaric vapour–liquid equilibrium for systems of o-cresol, m-cresol and 2, 6-dimethylphenol at 20.0 kPa. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2018, 459: 44-50.
(8) Wang Jun, Wang Deyan, HuangChunxiang, et al. Experimental and Predicted Vapor?Liquid Equilibrium for Binary Systems with Diethanolamine, m-Cresol and p-Cresol at 20.0 kPa. Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics. 2019, 130:1-8.
(9) Wang Jun, OuJie, Sun Xueni et al. Experimental and Predicted Vapor–Liquid Equilibrium for Diisopropanolamine with m-Cresol and 2, 6-Dimethylphenol at 20.0 kPa. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 2018, 63(5):1220-1227.
(10) 王俊,韶暉,解丹燕,冷一欣,黃春香. β-CD/Al2O3/ATP復合材料對乙腈/正丙醇的吸附分離性能的影響.化工進展, 2017, 36(9): 3407-3413.
(11)羊俊,佟向君,張世鋒,黃春香,孫雪妮,韶暉, 王俊.常壓下微量水-正丁醇汽液相平衡研究.化學工程, 2021, 49(01): 43-48.